geo-political landscape of the world more dramatically than any time in
recent history.
Few comprehend how close the total destruction is for the people of the
United States and Britain. After dominating the globe for the last 200
years, the end is rapidly approaching for the Anglo-Saxon nations.
Life seemingly is going on much as ever. People are busy buying and
selling. Property prices, share markets and consumer spending are all up,
with many believing that the good times will just continue rolling on.
Yet disaster waits just over the horizon.
The USA and Britain is being sucked into a fatal war with Iran - a war which
will trigger off a sequence of events with disastrous consequences to these
two nations. It will reshape the geo-political landscape of the world.
President Bush is sincere when he says he does not want war with Iran, but
the USA is been drawn into one regardless. As a result of the folly of
invading Iraq, the Western media assumes that President Bush also wishes to
attack Iran. This time, it is not the US who wishes war, but Iran. The
current situation is quite different to the events that lead up to the
illegal invasion of Iraq.
Iran's President Ahmadinejad has experienced an apocalyptic vision of the
coming end of this age that will hasten the awaited return of the 12th Imam,
known as the Mahdi. "The ultimate promise of all Divine religions," says
Ahmadinejad, "will be fulfilled with the emergence of a perfect human being
[the 12th Imam], who is heir to all prophets. He will lead the world to
justice and absolute peace. Oh mighty Lord, I pray to you to hasten the
emergence of your last repository, the promised one." He believes that the
return of the Imam, AWOL for 11 centuries, is only two years away. He
believes that this war against the West and Israel must now take place as a
fulfilment of this prophecy.
This, and Ahmadinejad'
leading Iran and the USA into a deadly conflict, and a war which will
reshape global politics for years to come. President Ahmadinejad wants war
with the United States, believing that this will be a fulfilment of
prophecy, and that he is doing the will of Allah. His vulnerable political
position will also be strengthen was war breaks out - a war which he will
blame the USA and Israel for starting. Yet it will be Iran which will
trigger off this war by provoking America into the conflict.
What will be the outcome to this conflict? Who will be the winners?
A war with the USA will cause massive destruction to Iran military capacity,
but it will even be more damaging strategically to the USA military and
economically. The USA military, already over-stretched with the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan, does not have the reserves to wage a long war. Even
worse, the war with Iran will be the final breaking point of the US economy.
This war will lead to a lack of confidence in the US economy. Already
massively in debt, partly as a result of the quagmire in Iraq, the USA is in
no position financially or military to become involved in another Middle
East conflict.
War with Iran will see oil prices go through the roof, crippling the
debt-ridden global financial markets, causing wide-spread financial panic,
and a massive sell-off of over-inflated global assets. It will trigger a
run on those currencies that have become depended on borrowing from Asia to
finance their deficits (especially the US dollar), and result in their total
Panic withdrawal by international investors from US banks will quickly
follow, drying up bank liquidity, forcing banks to cease all lending and
calling up loans as the fall due. The Federal Reserve may try and prop up
the banking system by creating credit, but this will only accelerate the
collapse in the dollar, followed by massive inflation. There will be
widespread defaults, bankruptcies, and a melt-down of the economy.
The collapse of the Anglo-Saxon economies will also mean the collapse of
their military infrastructure, and the withdrawal of American and British
troops from the Middle East and their bases around the globe. Wide-spread
famine will follow, along with disease, starvation and a break-down of law
and order.
War with Iran will quickly see a re-aligning of global power blocs. Iran
will close off the Strait of Hormuz, cutting the world off two-fifths of the
world's supply of oil. This will have a particular damaging impact on the
Asians economies. They will blame the USA for this conflict.
Europe will also be badly hurt, though not to the same extent as Asia and
the Anglo-Saxon nations. The crisis will force the Europeans to quickly
settle their domestic political differences in order to deal with the
emerging crisis. The EU constitution will quickly be ratified by those
nations which have accepted it and a single President appointed. There will
emerge a United States of Europe - a single power bloc with a unified
military force and political system.
Events will unfold quickly once war breaks out. Iran will put up strong
resistance to a conflict with the USA. This war will involve much more than
just Iran. It will involve the entire Persian Gulf. Iran will receive
support from the Shiite Muslim nations. Israel will support the USA in
trying to destroy Iran's military and nuclear facilities. Iran will try and
spread the conflict outside its boundaries, even spreading the conflict to
the USA itself through terrorist acts. The Shiites in Iraq will ally
themselves with Iran, hastening the US defeat and withdrawal from Iraq.
Two new power blocs will emerge with the collapse of the USA and Britain. A
united Europe will emerge to secure their oil supplies from the Middle East,
and fill the military vacuum created by the withdrawal of American forces.
Competing for these resources will be the Asian bloc, which is even more
depended on Middle East oil than Europe.
Israel military planners have the assault on Iran needs to take place before
the end of March, 2007. The US has two naval battle fleets now in place in
the Persian Gulf to launch this attack. Iran's rejection of the UN
resolution to stop enriching uranium has provided some political legitimacy
for an attack against Iran to begin.
The coming events will happen so quickly, that many in the USA and Britain
will wonder what has happened. These events are about to unfold on the
unsuspecting and ill-prepared Anglo-Saxon nations, deceived by their false
religious leaders and their pursuit of the god of materialism. We are about
to see the beginning of the climactic end-time events prophesied in the
Bruce Porteous
24 February, 2007
From: The Revolutionist His Bondservant Forever In Christ Jesus
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