Dear Dan,
It is outrageous for me to realize that I am the only minister to meet with Iraqi officials in the past 30 days. Many asked me to turn the cameras off, because they said if it were aired, it could cost them their lives. They fear the Iranian agents in Iraq would murder them. I was told that under every rock in Iraq is an Iranian agent. The officials said that Iran has swept through Iraq like an epidemic.
The Saudis are so frightened of an incursion by Iranian terrorists that they are building a 400-mile wall along their border. Tens of thousands of Iraqis have been killed by Iranians, and this includes the majority of our troops. Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has vowed to “wipe Israel off the map.”
I need your most generous gift today so that I can approach every media possible – print media, television networks, radio networks, etc.
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Iran has refused to comply with calls to halt their nuclear program, and rather, have chosen to fast-track their efforts. In the midst of this insanity, the liberal State Department has invited the greatest terror states in the world to have tea in Baghdad.
I must stand up to this. It’s similar to what happened in 2001 when we offered Yasser Arafat ninety-eight percent of the territory of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, all of East Jerusalem except for the Jewish and Armenian quarters, Palestinian sovereignty over the Temple Mount, conceding only the right of Jews to pray there, and a compensation fund of $30 billion. This sent a signal to the terrorists of the world that America was soft on terror.
Click here to send your gift today to help get this information out, and at the same time, call this nation to prayer.
Thank you for caring.
Mike Evans
From: The Revolutionist His Bondservant Forever In Christ Jesus