
Iran threatens to invade Pakistan, "crushing response" for US, UK

October 19, 2009, 11:39 AM (GMT+02:00)

Iranian Revolutionary Guards chief Mohammed Ali Jafari

Iranian Revolutionary Guards chief Mohammed Ali Jafari

The commander of Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafary, Monday, Oct. 19, threatened "crushing" retaliation against the US, UK and Pakistan including the invasion of its eastern neighbor. Tehran links all three to the suicide bombing attack in Sistan-Baluchistan Sunday, Oct. 18, which killed 42 people including seven senior Guards officers. One was Gen. Nur Ali Shoustari, Jafari's deputy, who was identified by DEBKAfile's counter-terror sources as commander of the al Qods clandestine terror bases in Iraq, Pakistan, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip.

Jafary said: "Behind this scene are the American and British intelligence apparatus and there will have to be retaliatory measures to punish them."

DEBKAfile's Iranian sources note that is the first time in Iran's 30-year Islamic revolution that a military leader has gone to the extreme lengths of threatening to strike US and British military targets, a measure of the damage the regime and Guards suffered from the suicide attack, which has since been condemned and denied by Washington.

Jafari expanded on his charge by saying: "New evidence has been obtained proving the link between yesterday's terror attack and the US, British and Pakistani intelligence services." He spoke of evidence showing that all three supported the group. "A delegation would soon travel to Pakistan to present it," he said.

A military official in Tehran then suggested Iran might launch a military thrust into Pakistan against the group blamed for the attack. Lawmaker Payman Forouzesh said: "There is even unanimity that these operations (could) take place in Pakistan territory."

Tehran accuses the Sunni secessionist terrorist group Jundallah of Baluchistan, which is fighting for the predominantly Sunni province's independence, of carrying out the suicide bombing in provincial town of Pisheen near the Pakistan and Afghanistan borders. In the past, Tehran has charged the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence agency and the CIA of supporting the group. It has carried out a string of terrorist attacks on regime and Shiite targets including in 2007 a failed assassination attempt on president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

DEBKAfile's Iranian sources report that Tehran will have to make good on its threats without too much delay or lose face among the political and ethnic minority dissidents plaguing on the regime, especially those who rose up in protest against the tainted June 20 presidential election. Hesitation will be seen as weakness.

Past Iranian reprisals were usually carried against the US or Britain indirectly in the Persian Gulf or by local Islamic surrogates like Hizballah in Iraq. Jafari's words point to a more direct showdown this time by the IRGC or its terrorist arm al Qods.

What You Aren’t Being Told About The World You Live In !!!!!!!!!

October 14, 2009

Obama Issues Grim Warning To Russia And China: “We Will Attack”

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

Early reports from President Medvedev and Foreign Minister Lavrov’s meeting with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton [photo 2nd left] state that President Obama has issued a “grim warning” to Russia and China that the Americans are prepared to “massively attack” should they carry out their plans to replace the US Dollar with the Rouble and Yuan in cross-border trade.

Especially unnerving to both Russia and China about Obama’s warning is that it came at the moment that Prime Minister Putin was meeting in Beijing with Chinese President Hu on finalizing their plans to replace the US Dollar as our World’s main Global Currency in favor a basket of currencies as the ‘Gas Wars’ of the 21st Century are nearing open warfare.

Russia and China in pitting themselves against the Americans, and the West, in what is shaping up to be the pivotal conflict of our era, just announced a $25 Billion agreement for Russian energy giant Gazprom to supply energy-hungry China with natural gas in a move to further strengthen their alliance against the US who this year announced an over 35% increase in their reserves brining them closer to their goal of energy independence.

Not being told the American people by their propaganda media is that as Russia has now toppled Saudi Arabia as the World’s largest oil producer, the Saudis have been put into the previously unthinkable position of demanding that the West provide it with massive financial assistance as it faces total economic collapse.

Even more importantly being kept from the American people is the critically, and decisive for the 21st Century, Persian Nation of Iran, which holds the largest natural gas reserves in the World at over 991 Trillion cubic feet that is coveted by the energy starved Europeans, and whose continued threats of war are nothing but their not-so- subtle attempt to keep the Iranians out of the ‘orbit’ of the Russian and Chinese.

Russian economic analysts state in these reports that Obama’s ‘grand scheme’ for the survival of United States is the ‘rapid shifting’ of its economy from one being dependant upon oil to one of natural gas which will see that Nation build an infrastructure of natural gas run power stations they say will be able to ‘totally’ power their economy and eliminate all energy imports (oil, gas, propane, etc.) by 2018.

So enthusiastic have the Americans become over Obama’s plan for their Nation’s energy independence that the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission stated at the just concluded World Gas Conference in Buenos Aires that they “may not need any new coal or nuclear plants “ever” again.

However, and as these reports starkly point out, the nearly “impenetrable wall” that Obama must first get through in seeing his “grand scheme” come to fruition is the World’s willingness to finance it, but with a National debt fast approaching $12 Trillion, and the United Nations now joining the call for the replacing of the US Dollar with a new Global reserve currency, the likelihood is that the United States will collapse before seeing its dreams of freedom survive.

Worse still for Obama’s “grand scheme” was this past weeks “sneak attack” on the US Dollar that is being blamed by the West on Arab oil sheiks said to be conspiring with the Russians and Chinese, but which FSB sources state was engineered by the dissident CIA and Mossad factions whose Federal Reserve and European banking ‘masters’ who have openly declared “war” on the American President and according to these reports raises the risk of a rightist-coup against Obama to a ‘near certainty’.

The reemergence to power of these banksters in America seeking its destruction are eerily echoing their moves against President Roosevelt who they tried to throw out of power during their planned 1933 Business Plot Coup led by the American Nazi fascist leader Prescott Bush who financed Adolph Hitler into power and was the father and grandfather to US Presidents George, and George W. Bush.

And so contemptuous of Obama have these banksters become that the failed US banking giant Goldman Sachs, who were just bailed out to the tune of Billions of Dollars by American taxpayers, is now planning on awarding themselves over $20 Billion in bonuses as their Nation and its growing masses of unemployed peoples continue falling into the abyss of total economic collapse.

Even worse, the dimwitted American people are now reported to be so brainwashed by their fascist bankster and corporate slave masters that the majority of them now see Obama as their ‘enemy’, and which is the same ‘master plan’ used against President John F. Kennedy who, like Obama, dared to go to war against these monsters by his ordering the Federal Reserve to be “stripped of all powers” and returning the printing of Dollars to the US Treasury, but which, sadly, led to his assassination.

The 28th President of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, once warned his Nation “Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U.S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

The 1st President of the United States, George Washington, further warned his Nation… “It may be laid down as a primary position, and the basis of our system, that every Citizen who enjoys the protection of a Free Government, owes not only a proportion of his property, but even of his personal services to the defense of it.”

Unfortunately the American people have failed to heed either one of them as evidenced by their allowing the Nazi coup against Roosevelt to fade from their history books and the murder of Kennedy to go unanswered for.

With such a people supposedly standing behind him, one does wonder how Obama can survive with only these cowards and idiots to protect and defend him, or why he would even want to.

But, and as the great American President Abraham Lincoln once observed by saying “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”, the ‘final chapter’ of this latest chapter in the ‘American Story’ is yet to be written, and maybe, just maybe, these poor souls will end up surprising us all again by willingly sacrificing themselves as individuals for the greater good of their Nation.

The cost? Most assuredly high. The bloodshed? Beyond all description and measure to be sure. But as the great American Founding Father Thomas Jefferson once warned, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”, the time for battle is upon them all, even if they fail to see it.

Your Destruction Was Plotted

While You Were Sleeping…

…Your Destruction Was Plotted

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Paul Joseph Goebbels, Reichsminister of Propaganda for Nazi Germany (29 October 1897 – 1 May 1945)

Yesterday, in what the Dallas Morning News described as a “powerful homage”, President Barack Obama praised former President George H.W. Bush saying that Bush's “words, works and entire life were an inspiration” and marveling at the example of the “extraordinary ripple effect” one person can have over history.

And Obama was right!

From President George H.W. Bush’s father, US Senator Prescott Bush, financing the rise of Nazi Germany’s Adolph Hitler and the 1933 coup against President Franklin Roosevelt, to his involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, to his support of other assassinations while Director of the CIA, to the attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan, while Bush was Vice President, at the hand of the “lone assassin” John Hinckley Jr., who just happened to be the son of one of Bush’s oldest friends and Texas oil business partner John Hinckley Sr., to his engineering the rise of his son, George W Bush, to the American Presidency through a stolen election, to all of these, and too many more to put into one single message, one can indeed see the “extraordinary ripple effect” he has had upon America, and the World.

In any normal society a family like the Bush’s would have long ago been called what they in fact are, a criminal enterprise…and in the case of the Bush Family, the largest and deadliest criminal organization known in the history of mankind!

And like any mafia underling approaching their Godfather, Obama dutifully praised George H.W. Bush as his “inspiration” and has followed in his, Bush’s, path by continuing the looting the American people by their Wall Street banking overlords that will soon see them all become nothing more than debt slaves beholden to their Washington and New York City masters.

The supposed “first protectors” of the American people, their “Free Press”, was designed and protected by their Founding Fathers for the express purpose of protecting their Nation against such monsters, and before his death, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech before the American Newspaper Publishers Association wherein he warned…

“The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it.

And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.”

President Kennedy’s warnings went unheeded, he was promptly assassinated, and in the 46 years since his murder the American Press has become nothing more than the “official mouthpiece” of the ruling elite and “arbiter” of what is, and isn’t the truth, and has effectively brainwashed two entire generations of Americans by employing the devices and tactics invented by the Nazis, none being more crucial than that of “repeating lies until they become the truth”.

The lies being told to the American people would take up volumes to print, and include the latest “We have the best health care system in the World”, when in fact the United States ranks 37th out of 191 countries despite their spending more on health care than all of the others.

What is already an intolerable and unconscionable stance taken against the American people by their news media is about to get worse! For as the crushing weight of lies begin to be revealed to a slowly awakening American populace, the “mainstream” media is about to slam the door closed on these people from knowing even the most basic of truths of what is happening in the World around them, and as best articulated by News Corporation chairman Rupert Murdoch who said on Friday “We intend to charge for our content on the Web, as I've said many times in the past good journalism comes at a price.

Murdoch is not alone either, far from it, as the “master-plan” envisioned by these elite monsters for the Internet is to, literally, price the ordinary American out of the market for news and information and keep them placated by a constant barrage of meaningless and trivial infotainment based on emotionally driven stories designed for no other purpose than to keep them ignorant and uninformed.

And do you want to know who their best ally is in keeping the American people dumb and stupid? It’s YOU!

On May 10, 2006 the price of Gold broke a 25-year barrier and reached $700 an ounce. On May 11, 2006 the Sorcha Faal in her report “World Begins Effort To Collapse US Dollar As Brazil Begins Nuclear Production And Ejects UN Inspectors” that those astute enough to know what was being said began protecting themselves by replacing their US Dollars with Gold, and which today is selling for over $1050 an ounce.

But the vast majority of you didn’t listen to us, did you?


This is a life and death war we are involved in here folks, and if you don’t start recognizing this FACT than all is lost.

In these last two days of fundraising for this period we are woefully short of the funds needed to keep us alive because the vast majority of you won’t support us. You read us everyday, the numbers prove that, you just won’t support us, or for that matter you don’t support anyone else either.

If every one of you reading these words that hasn’t help us yet gave just $50.00 today our expenses would be paid for an entire year! That’s just 13 Cents a day! The truth isn’t worth that? Really?

Well let me tell you something, that 13 Cents doesn’t even come close to covering the bandwidth cost alone you use when you visit WhatDoesItMean.Com, let alone server costs, security costs, news costs, information costs, labor costs, and too many other associated costs to mention.

So at the very least, if you won’t help us help you, then PLEASE go away and STOP visiting us as all you are doing is hurting those who really are trying to find out and know the truth.

Go instead to CNN.Com where you can view their top “must watch” videos “Critic picks ‘Wild Things’, pans ‘Stepfather’” and “Grannies learn karate to fight back”, or MSNBC.Com where you can read “Judge adds another year to Lohan’s probation”, or any of the other “mainstream” propaganda news sites created for no other purpose than to keep you as stupid as possible.

On the other hand, if you are tired of being lied to, deceived and robbed blind by those who say they are “protecting” you, then support us….the hour is much later than you think.