

  1. THESE ARE THE DARKEST DAYS FOR AMERICA: There has never been a time in the History of the United States that this nation has been so vulnerable. Due to a great falling away from God within the judiciary system America has opened the door to powers so dark that a gross blindness has descended upon the minds of the population. Because of this gross darkness, false prophets, false shepherds, false teachers and a false Gospel have been promoted within the churches causing many to fall away from the true Spirit of Jesus Christ. The darkness has been so complete that the people have not recognized the false security behind which they are standing. You see, in the Book of Ezekiel the Prophet said that the false prophets had built a wall, but they built it withy untempered mortar. This say’s that the wall which was built was only a façade! A wall in Scripture represents SALVATION! People feel safe when a storm or an enemy comes against them and they are protected by the wall. However, God said that the wall the false prophets erected was not strong enough to stand against the fury that would blow against it. In a prophetic sense this is exactly what we saw during Katrina. The wall could not stand against the high winds. Now, according to Ezekiel’s words, God said that HE was going to blow against the wall and cause it to crash to the ground! Imagine the scene; Millions of people taking shelter behind this false security suddenly realize that there wall has been blown to the ground. Then God said that he was going to send HIS sword through the land. Well this is exactly what Jeremiah was telling the people of His day. All the facades are coming down as well as all the false words of peace and safety. Indeed these are dark days and one must be operating in the Spirit of truth in order to see their way through these times. But an idolatrous and apostate people cannot see due to the delusion that has been sent upon them.

  1. WELL INTENDED REFORMS CANNOT STEM THE TIDE OF APOSTASY: With all the political maneuvering and signing of bills such as Anti Abortion bills and Anti Homosexual Marriage Bills there is still the chilling reality that political maneuverings cannot stop Divine Justice. All the attempts at reform in the political arena cannot produce the reforms necessary to change the human heart. There are many good people in America, many sincere advocates of life and a culture of life, yet, due to the darkness and the crimes that have already been committed; i.e. fifty million murdered babies, the advancement of the Gay and Lesbian agenda, the corruption within party leaders and the like the tide cannot be stemmed. Political and social movements and changes cannot avert the righteous judgment of God. It has been said that the pathway to hell is paved with good intentions. Not until the leaders of America have enough respect for God and His laws, and call the population of America to repentance can there ever be the hope of a true salvation from the invading forces. Yet I can honestly say that the line has already been crossed and America has passed the point of no return.

  1. THE PEOPLE ARE WALLOWING IN THIS APOSTASY THROUGH THEIR IDOLATRY: If ever there has been an apostate reality within our borders it is now! Apostasy, according to Scripture begins with a slight drift from the right path. That slight drift often leads to far away places. The church in America has become the scriptural LAODECIAN CHURCH. This is the Lukewarm Church! This is the church that was increased with goods, had need of nothing and to its own delusion thought was A-OKAY! The apostasy we are witnessing today can be seen in over 90% of what we call Christian Churches. We see it in many ways but the one very revealing way is this; we have buildings with great cathedrals or huge auditoriums, with grand stages and massive choirs. We hear the sounds of the most wonderful music through professional musicians along with great lighting and special effects, but we do not see the power of God in those places! We have professional, well defined and very refined speakers who call themselves Pastors serving us a scrumptious message for the itching ears that crowd within their doors every week. It does not matter that Billy and betty were out Friday night fornicating in the backseat of their car, because Sunday will come and all the facades will gear towards Billy and betty shedding a few tears in mournful repentance only to repeat their actions the following Friday night. Our churches big and small are filled with fornicators, adulterers, masturbators, homosexuals, lesbians, alcoholics and drug addicts. Few of these people are repenting and fewer are experiencing glorious changes in their lives. All of this wallowing in Apostasy is due to the Idolatry that exists within the lives of the multitudes of professing Christians in America. For example, Ted Haggard who claimed to be a Christian has been found out to be a homosexual with an appetite for Crystal Meth Amphetamine. Now I am not here to condemn Ted Haggard, but I will judge what has happened, just as I have been instructed to do according to 1Corinthinas chapter Five where the Apostle Paul tells us that WE ARE TO JUDGE THEM WITHIN! Now listen, Ted Haggard is not a Born Again, Spirit Filled Christian with a regenerated new nature. He may have some knowledge and information through Bible reading and may be very good at teaching what the Bible say’s but he is not a Biblical Christian, and many many of professors of Christianity are just like him. Never do we find an Apostle who received the Holy Spirit in the upper room falling to the gross sins that are being committed today. This is why an elected Muslim in Minnesota would resist placing his hand on a Bible during his swearing in ceremony. This Muslim, in his own way recognizes that the so called Christians he has met are far from being what the Jesus of the bible called them to be. He sees so called Christian leaders doing things that would make many in the world blush! Let’s move on to number four……

  1. THE PEOPLE PERVERT THE WORSHIP OF GOD AND GIVE THEMSELVES OVER TO SPIRITUAL AND MORAL DECAY: The perversion of worship can be found everywhere in any gathering of so called Christians in America today. During the early days of the Church, the TRUE CHURCH, people like Annanias and Saphira were killed for lying to the Holy Spirit. The Apostle Peter who had the Spirit of God in him asked a few questions and because of their lying these two people died. Where is that Holiness in the church today? A simple lie caused death, there is much more than this happening in churches everywhere today. What changed? I’ll tell you. What is called the church is nothing but a counterfeit, a woman posing as the church but who is actually the Harlot of Revelation Chapter seventeen. This woman is found riding a Beast. The beast of course is the One World Government. The Beast and the whore are riding through the land together. Ladies and Gentlemen, let it be known that what we have commonly called Christianity and the Church is a HARLOT! She is adorned with outward beauty but within is full of death, corruption and decay! We must wake up so that we can be free! You see, what happened to Annainas and Sapphira two thousand years ago is still taking place today in the TRUE CHURCH! Wherever the Holiness of God truly is there will be an atmosphere of the Holiness and the Fear of the Lord! You will not find preachers comforting the sinners in Zion. Why do you think that Bible says that they are at EASE IN ZION? Because the false prophets, shepherds and teachers have created that environment. There should be in the house of God a major discomfort for sinners until conviction breaks their hardened hearts and confession and repentance rings from deep within their beings! We have perverted the true worship for a bowl of lentil soup just as Esau did. We have exchanged our sonship rights and our true inheritance for that which is temporary. We have lost sight of what it means to worship God in Spirit and truth by picking up our crosses on a daily basis and living a crucified life. We have lost the overcoming surge that was once so alive in many believers’ hearts, a desire to be victorious and more than conquerors in the world in which we live. We have forgotten the exhortation of James when he said to be a friend of the world is to be the enemy of God. Well I declare today a revolution against the world system and the harlot church that has masqueraded herself to the shame of the Living and true Christ. I declare fire upon the Harlot, so that the true Church, the glorious Church may emerge and take her rightful place in the power and authority of the Kingdom and Spirit of God!

  1. THE PEOPLE REFUSE TO REPENT OR EVEN HEAR GODS MESSAGE: This no doubt is the true state of things. I am sure that many would rage against this message. Why? Because people today do not want to hear the truth, because the truth would cause them to put away their idols and change their lives. People are mesmerized by television and entertainment and they feel they would have to give it all up! Many in the Harlot system have been captivated by a feel good Gospel They are no different than the people of Ezekiel’s day who loved to be entertained. That is the order of the Harlot church today; ENTERTAINMENT! If it makes me feel good I’ll keep going, but the first time I get ruffled by some dooms day preacher I’m out of here! This is the general attitude of many and yet another pervading attitude exists within the walls of the Harlot. They love to hear your messages said the prophet Ezekiel, for they seem to be listening to a beautiful song, BUT THEY WILL NOT DO WHAT YOU SAY! This is the amazing thing about the Harlot, she loves the penetration of a hardcore message but she knows in hear heart she will never do what is said. This is the deception that is blinding minds everywhere, and this is one of the reasons that so few men are in the truly Godly gatherings of the Holy saints of God. They have been seduced by the great whore and are in bed with her until this day! Soon however, sickness and death will strike the bed of the Harlot and all that are in bed with her shall die and their children will be burned in the fire! People today do not want to hear the message of God so they will experience His wrath! And although the false prophets have taught a false security that the people will not know Gods wrath, they will be the very subjects of it!

  1. THE DIVINE CURE REQUIRES RADICAL SURGERY: Due to the pervading sickness in America and within the Harlot Church of America a radical surgery is about to be performed. In order to remove the cancer there must be the performance of an intensified surgery upon the body. America makes up a body of people of all different kinds. Within this body are infectious people who spread their cancer like did hymanneus and Phyletus in the Apostle Paul’s day. You see the cancerous cells are within the Body! The cancer of division, schism, gossip, slander, backbiting and the like are about to be cleansed from the land. All of sins excuses are about to be taken away.

  1. THE PROCLAMATION OF AN APPROACHING AVALANCE OF JUDGEMENT: God is sending His Judgment into the land and it will increase in magnitude more and more with each passing day. Thus far in the past five years we have seen terrorist activities prevail, no matter who the true terrorists are. We have seen an entire city get wiped out! We have seen men of stature fall from their high places and all of these events are forerunners of what is to come in a much larger degree. The United States of America is about to experience a smashing reality! God is about to blow the false wall of fall security down and send his sword through the land in order to root out all that offends Him. Now according to Ezekiel’s book, he saw a man with an ink horn who was told to place a mark on all those who grieved and mourned for the condition of the people. These marked ones will be kept from the four sore judgments that are coming. I ask you the question; ARE YOU TRULY SEALED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT WITH EVEIDENCE TO PROVE IT? For these are the only survivors in a spiritual sense that will remain through this SHAKING! Ladies and gentlemen because of the deeply rooted evil schemes and snares within this nation a massive earthquake is about to rip through the region, so mighty of a quake that all the strongholds will come tumbling down! A great shaking is about to come and there is a particular instrument that is about to be unsheathed that will strike the land.

  1. THE BABYLONIANS ARE THE INSTRUMENT OF GODS JUDGEMENT: Throughout history we see God using foreign nations to bring correction, punishment and judgment upon His own people. There are some today that believe America is the ISRAEL of God. Even if this were true, which I do not believe it is altogether, ISRAEL/ AMERICA has sinned against God! The uprise of foreign nations such as Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia and other nations will be utilized by God to bring the false walls of so called salvation down to the ground. All the words that are being uttered right now around the world are words of war. It is common through wartime for opposing forces to have a word fight before and actual military battle. The words are spoken to justify the contender’s position. It used to be that America could justify her causes and win her battles, but the evidence is stacked against the United States and though she is mightier that any other nation in the world, her justification has vanished and she is standing naked and the foreign enemies see it. They see Americas Vulnerability and they see the deep sleep that has descended upon the minds of the masses. They see fatted calves prepared for the slaughter and they are intent on having their way with America. God is the only hope of America but due to the Apostate Church, the Harlot Church and a corrupt government, God is nowhere to be found. This battle is actually being fought on divine terms, God allowing the enemies of America to prevail because of the crimes and sins committed against Him. Time has run out for this nation and there is no turning back. As in Jeremiahs days, JUDGEMENT IS INEVITABLE! However, there will be a remnant that will be kept in the very presence of God during these events. They will do exploits without fear and will take the dominion away from the beast! Watch and see

From: The Revolutionist His Bondservant Forever In Christ Jesus