The Great Offence In The Earth:
Offences come and offences go. Everywhere here and there offences occur between men, women, children, and businesses and among societies in general. Jesus Himself declared, ”it is impossible but that offences will come: but woe [unto him], through whom they come!”
(Luke 17:1).
We in the United States live in a “sue happy culture”. Lawsuits are engendered for the slightest injustice or quite often-frivolous causes. This is evidence against a hypocritical nation…a people who are wise to do evil but are ignorant about doing good.
Many take legal action for the slightest reason even for an unfitting spoken opinion. Others take matters in their own hands outside the law and execute an ‘eye for an eye’ with violence. Even for the minutest error of an other such as a ding being caused in their car door in the parking lot. ‘Boy, look out, don’t hurt my car’, people passionately feel in their heart.
People love to side with causes. But far too often people lose sight of proper judgment of what is right and what is wrong. Many times the masses improperly access who is in the wrong and who is properly offended. Often, groups side with the perpetrator and champion his cause ignoring the hardship and injustice for the victims of self-seeking crime.
In the midst of all this hypocrisy and shallow morality stands One who is rightfully wronged and seeks justice. It is God Himself. God is offended! Why? Because the basic common respect that is due a great and awesome Person, the LORD Almighty, has been transgressed—Repeatedly. Over and over and over again. God who is good, gives good, shows good endlessly is shown such contempt by hard-hearted humanity. God is slow to anger. He is gracious and of great mercy. But, as seen in Scripture, the line can be crossed where God determines His grace is despised and He decides to deal with the impudence of disrespect. God is a “father”, where is His honor; God is a “master”, where is His fear? (Malachi 1:6)
The figurative line that is drawn has been crossed many times throughout biblical history. The catastrophic flood of Noah, the demise of Sodom and Gomorrah by brimstone and flaming fire, the repeated dealings with Israel and Judah are such examples of God’s hand of judgment displayed by great measures of fury.
God’s judgment is always fair. His judgment is always due and proper. God has no pleasure that humanity endure the heat of His fury. But, God only takes such drastic measures upon rude disobedience after His seeming endless pleas for repentance fall on endless rejecting ears. Hard hearts, hard heads, stiff necks, adamant faces of stubborn selfishness will always find the hand of God pressing firmly to lead to repentance, or, if not heeded, death is delivered to the disobedient. Always. God does not change. We have these biblical examples recorded for our learning.
There is a repeated scenario recorded in the scripture. God Who is good and kind blesses a people with good and plenty. He gives them crops and sends rain to make them flourish. He gives bread and oil for the joy of mans’ heart. He causes the herds and flocks to abound. He sends prosperity, peace and promotes them as a people. Then, after all the kind blessings God gives to be enjoyed, the people let their heart drift away from a loving relationship with Him. Their hearts become entangled by the blessings God gave to be enjoyed, and then, they begin to serve the blessings instead of God. The people fall away and arrogantly reject God and His ways.
The second chapter of Jeremiah records God’s feelings of this very thing. God blesses and blesses and the people sin and sin. Then God says, “You defiled My land” by your wicked living. God deals and deals with this erring people through His Spirit’s yearning as well as the prophets’ call. “Come back”. “Come back”. “Come back to Me”. But, the people for the majority say, “No. Our lives are our own. We will do as we please”. It is a sad story.
God has likened this despicable occurrence as a spouse that wickedly departs from their mate. Sinning shamelessly ever so selfishly. The “self becomes king” at whatever cost or harm. The center of life becomes one’s own desire---not God. The Self.
Ezekiel 16 records God chiding those in Jerusalem in Ezekiel’s day about their immoral and corrupt spiritual lives. God likened them to being a sister to Sodom. Yes, Sodom. Where is Sodom now? What was she like?
She was filled with pride. She enjoyed lavish abundance of bread. She had abundance of idleness. She was guilty of not helping the needs of the poor or needy. She was selfish. Sodom was haughty. She committed abomination, detestable unacceptable wicked behavior before the eyes of God. Guilty of homosexual perversities. Guilty of killing infants. THEREFORE, GOD REVOVED THEM AS HE SAW FIT.
Again, where is Sodom today?
Where is Gomorrah today?
What other nations are guilty of these same sins?
Where will these guilty unrepentant nations be shortly?
Today as I write this message that blazes in my being, I have heard from the LORD the sound of His gavel slamming in the court of heaven. Slam, slam, slam! “Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!”
The King’s court has decreed the righteous decree of guilt and more guilt in the land. The earth is defiled by the shedding of innocent blood. The earth is defiled by abominable iniquity. The land that God gave to be enjoyed…His land, is defiled again by the sins of the stubborn selfish souls.
The fury of the LORD shall be made known and the infamy of His fury shall RESOUND! This is what the LORD is saying. He has spoken. He shall perform his Word mightily. Who shall not fear the LORD when His judgments are made manifest?
‘But, for this man and woman will the LORD look—one that is broken and of a contrite repentant heart, and that trembles at His Word.’ (Isaiah 66:2)
The LORD calls His few chosen ones to abide in Him.
“Come My people, enter your secret chambers and shut your doors about you for a short moment, until the indignation be overpast…for the LORD comes forth from His place in a cloak of vengeance seeking His enemies as prey. For He shall catch the rebels in their folly and make of them a perpetual display of the error of their ways. For they loved not the LORD or His mercy. They had no delight in His love. They despised His truth and gave no place to it.
By Trevor Davis
Posted By: The Revolutionist His Bondservant Forever In Christ Jesus